Sunday, December 16, 2012

Will Los Angeles get the Economic and Political Revolution that it so desperately needs?

Will Los Angeles get the Economic and Political Revolution that it so desperately needs?
Only time will tell. What’s certain for now is that only when the machine and its masters no longer dictate and control L.A.’s fate can this diverse and dynamic region recover and resume its ascent toward greatness.
Los Angeles government by the people for the people” Let us take back our city from the corrupt politicians.
YJ Draiman for Mayor


  1. Obama
    Who thinks that if taxes increase that it will solve the problem? Obama apparently. He tried spending himself out of debt and now he's going try and tax us out of debt. What an utter total failure this man is.... almost as much as the braindeads that voted him back in.

    A Lesson in Irony. The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is proud to be distributing this year the greatest amount of free Meals and Food Stamps ever, to 46 million people. Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us "Please Do Not Feed the Animals." Their stated reason for the policy is because "The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves." Thus ends today's lesson in irony.

    of course, he curbs his spending habits, especially when it's not his money! he's just a typical young American spending his parent's money with little economic background and no fiscal responsibility; he has no more maturity than the average kid out there who LOVES to spend money and buy things for his friends. it makes him feel good and feel important. of course, he has no idea of how to replenish the money... except by taking it from others, and he doesn't know when to say WHEN! it's sad to have someone with such a sophomoric attitude in such a high office, but with freedom comes mistakes. a thorn in your finger causes pain, but it doesn't kill you. we'll suffer a bit... eliminate the thorn and recuperate.

  2. Do we enforce new gun control laws due to the tragedy in Connecticut?

    Okay, when does our society say enough? Without some type of gun control, events like today, as tragic as it is, will happen again. Unless, we as a society decide to make gun control a priority.

    Sadly, there is gun control but it still won’t stop the nuts.

    You are absolutely wrong. The violators and the gangs, crooks, criminals will always be able to get guns. That would leave the average citizen vulnerable and unprotected. Do not punish the masses for the sins of the few.

    Go tell that to the 20 young and innocent children who just lost their lives to a senseless and horrific event. So it seems that your view is an opinion of “innocent casualties of senseless killings". I am sure that the parents and families of these 5 to 8 year olds may have a different opinion than yours. That of being wrong!

    I do not know if you know, but about a month ago 4 people were shot gangland style about a block away of where I live, I heard the shots at 3:30 in the morning. As an elected official responsible for this part of the neighborhood, I was very involved in calming the neighbors. I have first hand experience of violence close to home. The killer and his associates were caught within 36 hours. There are over 330 million American’s; you do not punish the masses for the sins of the few. There are thousands of deaths by cars, do they outlaw cars? No. They set up regulations. Ownership of a gun is every American constitutional right, without that there would be Anarchy; the criminals would take over, knowing the average citizen cannot defend himself and his family. There will always be abuse and tragedy by individuals who violate the laws. If you do the research you would find out those Countries that have liberal gun laws have less crime. I urge everyone not react in a state of panic, but think clearly the consequences of you request on the entire population of the United States. As I stated earlier, the criminals will always be able to get guns. Gun control is not the answer. We have enough restrictions on the books, they need to be enforced.
    I do not think that because of a few crazies, you should infringe on the rights of the rest of the population. As our economic situation deteriorates, expect more violence.

    My heart goes out to the parents who lost their children. If we as civilized people want to control crime, it is up to us to be more vigilant and report any suspicious activities to law enforcement officials. Set up neighborhood watch etc.
