Tuesday, December 4, 2012

"When will "ENOUGH BE ENOUGH?" - Draiman

"When will "ENOUGH BE ENOUGH?" 

We keep electing our political leaders from the same parasitic pool of privileged families. I challenge anyone to name the congressperson, or senator in Washington, or your state that was brought up in a middle income, middle class family, or had to work a real job to pay the bills. I'm not talking about attorneys, or corporate top level managers. These people are not what I consider workers! Show me the person in our government that has had to borrow money to send his kids to college, or take out an "inflated interest" loan to buy a house! Do any of them really care that we are mortgaging our children's future to China? How many of them have had to go to war, or serve in the military other than be an officer with the elitist mindset that permeates our armed forces? We as voters are getting exactly what we have reaped because we fail to elect any leaders that actually know who we are, and what we think. Our salvation can only come from our votes, and we should vote the man, not the party! Vote for the person that has proven his way from a humble beginning, and succeeded...oh yeah! That's right! You won't find any such person because unless they sell out to a special interest group with money, fat chance they will be able to afford to compete in the arena of the privileged elite! Money actually buys our leaders even before they are elected!

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