Tuesday, December 4, 2012

To be the Mayor of Los Angeles is a great responsibility – treat it with respect! - Draiman

To be the Mayor of Los Angeles is a great responsibility – treat it with respect!

The position of a Mayor of the City of Los Angeles is an enormous undertaking and a great responsibility. It must be assumed with the yoke of great duty and humility; one must bear the weight of such a revered position and earn the trust and honor to serve the people of Los Angeles. Only with such state of mind and intent can an individual honestly lead the Great City of Los Angeles.
The Mayor must serve as an example to his staff and the people in honesty, integrity and fiscal responsibility. To serve the people of Los Angeles is no easy task and it must be performed in a manner that projects the Mayor as the leader of all the people of Los Angeles with no exceptions. The Mayor of Los Angeles must represent the aspirations and goals of the people he serves and not the special interests.
The Mayor should revitalize the City of Los Angeles and restore public faith and confidence in City Hall by taking actions that benefit the people. He should promote business and streamline bureaucracy, institute a strict financial responsibility, promote and enhance the education system, devise and implement systems to eliminate corruption and fraud, rebuild the infrastructure and expand public transportation. The Mayor should unify the transit system; direct the building of low-cost public housing, public playgrounds and parks; upgrade the airports; reorganize the police force; defeat the powerful special interests political machine; and reestablish merit employment in place of patronage jobs.
He should lead by example and implement reform politics that are carefully tailored to address the sentiments of his diverse constituency. He should defeat the corrupt political machine; he is presiding during an era of extreme economic depression and an era of foreclosures that have not been seen since the depression era. The mayor should make the city the model for welfare and public works programs and champion immigrants and ethnic minorities. The mayor will succeed with the support of the masses. He should secure his place in history as a tough-minded reform mayor who helped clean out corruption, bring in gifted experts, and instill upon the city a broad sense of responsibility for its own citizens. His administration should engage new groups that had been kept out of the political system, give Los Angeles its modern infrastructure, and raise expectations to the new levels of urban possibility. He should synthesize the human sympathy of the special interests with the honesty and efficiency of the good government reformers. The Mayor should embrace the Neighborhood Council’s advice, for they represent the cross-section of all the neighborhoods in Los Angeles. He should consider adding some voting power to the Neighborhood Councils.
The mayor should be tough on his staffers and leave no doubt that he is in charge. He should never lose control; he should utilize federal money and grants to the full extent. He should work with all concerned for the betterment of the people and the city. According to today’s political standards, the people would have to support the Mayor’s vision and actions.
  • Restore the financial health and break free from the special interests & bankers'
  • Implement and overhaul of our educational system
  • Expand the federally funded work relief program for the unemployed
  • Develop and implement an atmosphere of a business friendly city
  • End corruption in government and racketeering in key sectors of the economy
  • Replace patronage with a merit-based civil service, with high prestige
  • Modernize the infrastructure, especially roads, transportation and parks
We need to rebuild the infrastructure - highways, bridges and tunnels, transform the physical landscape of the City Los Angeles. We need to address the wages, pensions and benefits for teachers, police and city workers without borrowing more and more until the City of Los Angeles is faced with bankruptcy. No juggling the books to pay the city's bills.
The mayor must restore the economic lifeblood of the City of Los Angeles during these hard economic times and initiate public works programs which would employ thousands of angelinos. The mayor should pursue a relentless lobbying for federal funds to upgrade and develop LA’s economic infrastructure.
There is no time like the present to start investigating in alternative methods of insuring the financial security of the City of Los Angeles, and in particular the people of Los Angeles don’t deserve procrastination and partisan gotcha politics. The people of LA need and demand real action and real results.
In closing The Mayor of the City of Los Angeles for 2013 must have courage, wisdom, honesty, and vision with an added tenacity and perseverance? What we need is gutsy political leadership and a realistic plan that includes sacrifices by everybody.
YJ Draiman
If Los Angeles is to avoid the potential of Bankruptcy, like N.Y. in 1975.
The Mayor of Los Angeles must pull the stakeholders together and forced them to make sacrifices -- unions, banks, legislators, debt holders, community groups. The obstacle to that seemed to be the politics of getting everyone to make reciprocal concessions.
The Mayor of LA has to come up with a plan that looks realistic. This includes sacrifices from everybody. Which maintains the economic viability of the city because you can also tax yourself out of existence, LA already has high taxes and fees? Which probably puts in a control structure that oversees budgets? You just have a big economic plan that stretches out between six and 10 years that will be acceptable to the markets and not be destructive to the economy.

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