Sunday, December 16, 2012

“Politicians or statesmen”

“Politicians or statesmen”
My desire for future elections is that the people will select more and more statesmen, in city, state and federal elections. I look forward to the day when only statesmen will run for office. A statesman is a servant leader who is not concerned about his political future, but in what is best for the people. A statesman is open-minded, logical, intelligent and compassionate. A statesman reconciles conflict and looks into the future. Unfortunately, many elected officials are not statesmen or even leaders. They are in office to make themselves feel important, to gain power and sometimes to get money. This kind of elected official is caustic, negative and hateful who stirs up messes, acts self-righteous, gets personal and calls other people names, and is the first to claim he is not a "politician" and that he "is working for the people." Some think success is getting their picture in the paper handing out a check. Some elected officials think their job is to be against the chief and other elected officials regardless of the issue."

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