Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Los Angeles Election Commission certifies Yehuda YJ Draiman as a Mayoral Candidate in the March 5, 2013 Elections.

Los Angeles Election Division certifies Yehuda YJ Draiman as a Mayoral Candidate in the March 5, 2013 Elections.
 News Bulletin - Draiman News Agency - Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2012 YJ Draiman is certified as a Candidate for Mayor of Los Angeles by LA’s Election Commission.

Yehuda YJ Draiman is certified as LA mayoral candidate to be on the ballot in Los Angeles elections which will be held on March 5 2013 – http://yjdraimanformayor.org

Y.J. Draiman. - Candidate for Mayor of Los Angeles 2013
Yehuda “YJ” Draiman
Candidate for Mayor of Los Angeles 2013 
YJ Draiman is the lead elected official for the Northridge East Neighborhood Council – NENC; he is also the liaison between the NENC and LADWP. As an Energy Efficiency Advocate YJ Draiman is known for his advancement in implementing Energy efficiency, Renewable energy and Water conservation in the Los Angeles Area. YJ Draiman is promoting his platform of Made in America to bring back to the city of Los Angeles a strong industrial base, increase employment, strengthen education and reduce government and implement fiscal responsibility.
YJ Draiman ran for Los Angeles City Council in 2009. He was sworn in as an elected member of NENC, Los Angeles in April 2010 and was re-elected in 2012. YJ Draiman brings to the NENC Office a unique combination of government, business and community leadership experience. He is also a member of The Northridge Vision Committee.
A recent ambitious goal by YJ Draiman is to create in Los Angeles an innovative renewable energy zone approach which will create tens of thousands of new jobs with billions in investments over the next 5-10 years.
YJ Draiman is a former Real Estate developer with over 20 year’s experience; he has worked extensively in gentrifying neighborhoods. YJ Draiman has vast experience in the deregulation of Utilities and implementing energy and water conservation. He is an Energy Efficiency expert for over 25 years as well as an Alternative Energy authority and a Telecommunications auditor. YJ Draiman has been working in the Energy and the Utility markets for over 20 years. In January 1996 he was asked to run for U.S. Senate, but he declined. YJ Draiman is currently working on his PHD in energy conservation.

YJ Draiman participated with the Utility Commission in protecting citizens from increased tariffs, where he championed projects offering opportunities for job creation, economic development, and social services for the less fortunate.

YJ Draiman lives in Northridge and is married to Miriam Draiman. They have two sons, David who is a professional singer with a popular rock band and Benjamin who is a clinical researcher as well as vocalist/musician.
To donate/support: Please go to http://yjdraimanformayor.org

Code of Conduct for public officials

You have a duty to make decisions in the public interest. You must not act in order to gain financial or other benefits for yourself, your family, friends or business interests. This means making decisions because they benefit the public, not because they benefit the decision maker.
Impartiality You should make decisions on merit and in accordance with your statutory obligations when carrying out public business. This includes the making of appointments, awarding of contracts or recommending individuals for rewards or benefits. This means fairness to all;
impartial assessment; merit selection in recruitment and in purchase and sale of Council’s resources; considering only relevant matters.
Accountability You are accountable to the public for your decisions and actions and should consider issues on their merits, taking into account the views of others. This means recording reasons for decisions; submitting to scrutiny; keeping proper records; establishing audit trails.
Openness You have a duty to be as open as possible about your decisions and actions, giving reasons for decisions and restricting information only when the wider public interest clearly demands.
This means recording, giving and revealing reasons for decisions; revealing other avenues available to the client or business; when authorized, offering all information; communicating clearly.
Honesty You have a duty to act honestly. You must declare any private interests relating to your public duties and take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in such a way that protects the public interest. This means obeying the law; following the letter and spirit of policies and procedures; observing this Code; fully disclosing actual or potential conflict of interests and exercising any conferred power strictly for the purpose for which the power was conferred.
Respect You must treat others with respect at all times. This means not using derogatory terms towards others, observing the rights of other people, treating people with courtesy and recognizing the different roles others play in local government decision making.

Can any Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate meet the following qualifications?
Are current elected officials doing their job? The answer is no! Therefore they are not qualified as a candidate for any city Job!
Human values drive sustainable success and Accountability
Understanding the power of a quality relationship management depends a good deal on an awareness of people’s behavior and preferences. Soliciting from any group, community or department, what motivates, inspires and provides satisfying experiences is a key to creating strong bonds and powerful alliances that drive buy in and support, no matter the context.
Currently relationship management, across all its various attributions, is poorly understood and even more abysmally executed. If the current understanding of relationship management is simply to monitor and respond to negative commentary on your reputation, your brand, your business or your services, or to follow up and cross sell when the customer, stakeholder or client has fallen off your radar, this is no better than shutting the stable door long after the horse has bolted it. It is about listening, responding, reciprocating, acknowledging, modeling ethics and values, everywhere you are or your business is active.
The value of building and maintaining a reputation built on the principles of the human mandatory behavior (accountability, boundaries, respect, responsibility, honesty, support and trust) means creating cooperative alliances and rewarding relationships. This cannot be short cut, avoided, undeserved or manipulated. We are each being held to account on our behaviors in regard to our commitments and on this we stand or fall in peer assessment.
There is no excuse now, given the quantity and quality of tracking technologies and social media assets, not to create a formidable and very manageable strategy to build and sustain quality relationships and use all positive testimonials, word of mouth recommendations and quality referrals to build personal and professional capital as well as business advantage. To fail to implement such a strategy is to be asleep at the wheel in a fast moving and competitive world.
An elected leader must represent all the people, with no exceptions, and no favoritism to any particular group. A leader is elected as the servant of the people. A leader must be proactive, and not wait to respond to crisis only. Any leader or elected official that can not perform the job honestly and faithfully must resign and make way for another to perform the duties as required.
Our current elected leaders and officials at LA City Hall are asleep at the wheel; therefore, they have no business running for any job/position in the city of Los Angeles.
An elected official that performs the job faithfully and honestly will be re-elected without abusing the job, diminishing the jobs performance and wasting money that could be used for better purposes.
YJ Draiman

City of Los Angeles                        
Charter City
Incorporated: April 4, 1850
City Hall: 200 N Spring St, Los Angeles 90012
City Telephone: (213) 485-2121
Population (2010 Census):
3,792,621 (2000 Census: 3,694,820; 1990 Census: 3,485,398) For latest State Population Estimates, click here.
Population Density (2010 Census): 8,092.3 persons per square mile
Population Age 65+ (2010 Census): 10.5% (2000 Census: 9.7%; 1990 Census: 10.0%)
Population Under Age 18 (2010 Census): 23.1% (2000 Census: 26.6%; 1990 Census: 24.8%)
Land Area: 468.67 square miles (1,213.86 square kilometers); Water Area: 34.02 square miles (88.12 square kilometers)

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