Sunday, December 16, 2012

Will Los Angeles get the Economic and Political Revolution that it so desperately needs?

Will Los Angeles get the Economic and Political Revolution that it so desperately needs?
Only time will tell. What’s certain for now is that only when the machine and its masters no longer dictate and control L.A.’s fate can this diverse and dynamic region recover and resume its ascent toward greatness.
Los Angeles government by the people for the people” Let us take back our city from the corrupt politicians.
YJ Draiman for Mayor

“Politicians or statesmen”

“Politicians or statesmen”
My desire for future elections is that the people will select more and more statesmen, in city, state and federal elections. I look forward to the day when only statesmen will run for office. A statesman is a servant leader who is not concerned about his political future, but in what is best for the people. A statesman is open-minded, logical, intelligent and compassionate. A statesman reconciles conflict and looks into the future. Unfortunately, many elected officials are not statesmen or even leaders. They are in office to make themselves feel important, to gain power and sometimes to get money. This kind of elected official is caustic, negative and hateful who stirs up messes, acts self-righteous, gets personal and calls other people names, and is the first to claim he is not a "politician" and that he "is working for the people." Some think success is getting their picture in the paper handing out a check. Some elected officials think their job is to be against the chief and other elected officials regardless of the issue."

“Commitment unlocks the doors of imagination, allows vision, and gives us the "right stuff" to turn our dreams into reality.”

“Commitment unlocks the doors of imagination, allows vision, and gives us the "right stuff" to turn our dreams into reality.”

Educational ideals and aspirations
Before we can figure out how to build an education system or assess whether an educational system meets the goals and ideals we aspire to as a moral & ethical society, we must first ask ourselves what those goals and ideals are. Note the important word in that sentence: ideals. Yes, ideals do matter, even if we often fall short of them, because of the other important word in that sentence: aspire. It is the, the aspiration to ideals, which tells much about what a person considers serious and important and defines the direction of his life. When a kid plays baseball, he imagines himself becoming the next Derek Jeter -- he doesn't aspire to becoming the next 40 year old overweight guy in the Sunday breakfast league. When a kid starts to learn, he should similarly imagine himself becoming the next Albert Einstein, the next Beethoven, and put in hours trying to make that dream come true -- not aspire to becoming a...
40 year old person who can barely read economics with the help of a commentary. At some point in life a person matures and is forced to realize he is not Derek Jeter and maybe becoming a lawyer rather than count on playing shortstop for the Yankees is not a bad idea. And at some point down the road most students will realize they are not Albert Einstein or the Beethoven and they too will need to make concessions to reality as well. But those decisions can come long after elementary school, even after high school.

So what are the big dreams we should to inspire students to think about? Should we inspire them to go figure out a cure for cancer, perform some valuable social service that can help the needy, improve the world in some other way? All those are important goals, but they are secondary and far less important than the one goal for which a Human being was created.

The famous scholar asks in his introduction to a commentary he is writing on values: "Why is man here; for what was he created?" The Scholar answers that man was created for one purpose alone -- to imbue his soul with the wisdom of G-d. All other wisdom is valuable only to the extent that it enables man to draw closer to that singular goal. The scholar continues that even if a person lived a holy life of a monk, perfecting his nature and character, performing good deeds, avoiding sin and temptation, he would still be imperfect so far as he did not devote himself to attaining the knowledge of G-d. More

It is voter apathy that prevents people from voting – Yehuda YJ Draiman

It is voter apathy that prevents people from voting – Yehuda YJ Draiman
It is known that many people distrust’s politicians and the “system”, and many people believe that their vote is worthless in the end. This leads to high levels of “voter apathy”, especially in municipal and state elections.
We need to educate the people that their votes do count, that each vote helps them to exercise their constitutional right in a Democratic country.
I know many voters claim that the elections are controlled by special interests groups and the money people.
I feel very strongly that if the masses of people would rise up and vote, we could overcome the special interests groups and the money people. After all the peoples numbers are much greater than the special interests groups and the money people.
It is a government by the people for the people.
I plead with all voters please exercise your right and vote.
Thank you
Yehuda YJ Draiman

Enough of hijacked democracy - it is time to serve the people - YJ Draiman

Enough of hijacked democracy - it is time to serve the people - YJ Draiman Democracy has been hijacked by the special interest groups/lobbies’.  Our elected officials are beholden to the 'money vote' people only.... Not their Constituents who are YOU.

Special interest money from unions, businesses and various racial groups buy the direction of Congressmen and other elected officials, which corrupts the lawful intent of fairness for all.  The common citizens do not have a 'real' voice in the selection of their own representatives because you don't have the money to waste.  BUT YOU DO HAVE A VOTE.  Our elections, local, state or national, are all a 'show election'; not unlike those in Socialist, Nationalist, and Communist nations.  Those winning an election are simply beholden puppets of their special interest, and lobbyists’ Money Masters.  When ''elected officials'' are knocked out of office they become Lobbyists and never come back home to their constituents whom they pretended to represent.  And around and around it goes with government.  Until now!

The "Vote Organization" developed and sponsored by YJ Draiman intends to gather the vast majority of the people who have been used and ignored by our current 'elected officials'.

The people who feel that their VOTE does not count, nor matter.  Those who have become apathetic, fostered by the 'one sided' actions of the 'majority of politicians' who currently occupy their elected offices. 
All elected officials, by law, have a duty under oath to represent ALL of the citizens; not the special interests of a minimal few whose demographics 'are not the image of your majority will'.
You are all too familiar with these officials who disregard their sworn allegiance ''oath of office''...regarding laws for the betterment 'of ALL the people (YOU) and by ALL the people (YOU). 
This has gone on for far too long.  That is why 40% of those citizens registered to Vote "Don't Vote in ANY election"!  And those who are not registered to vote 'do vote' leaving you out by a 2 to 1 ratio or better.
Since you did not vote and exercise your constitutional right.  You, the citizen, the people of the USA, in every county, every city and every State outnumber the Special interest Groups and their minions of "attitudes of Minority Rules".  These people do not accept the coercing 'special interest' monetary-vote.  In gathering the vast numbers of apathetic registered citizens to vote we, a cohesive force by sheer numbers alone, are The Majority.
Join us in the "Vote Organization" and take back your neighborhoods, our cities, our states and our country...
We can retake our government and place candidates whose allegiance is to the people as a whole.  We can place candidates who care about the people, our neighborhoods our cities, our states and our country.

"It was a splendid population - for all the slow, sleepy, sluggish-brained sloths stayed at home - you never find those sorts of people among pioneers - you cannot build pioneers out of that sort of material.  It was that population that gave to California a name for setting up astounding enterprises and rushing them through with a magnificent dash and daring and a recklessness of cost or consequences, which she bears unto this day - and when she projects a new surprise the grave world smiles as usual and says, "Well, that is California all over."

YJ Draiman
Government by the people, for the people

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

YJ Draiman a conservative in LA's Mayors race 2013 rev2

YJ Draiman a conservative in LA's Mayors race 2013 rev2

YJ Draiman a conservative in LA's Mayoral race 2013 Rev2
L.A. Neighborhood Councilman YJ Draiman is running for mayor in next spring elections.
In what is billed as a major statement on the economic reform on Monday, Los Angeles City Neighborhood Councilman and mayoral candidate YJ Draiman said; Los Angeles faces an estimated $3 plus billion dollar deficit over the next five years, employee wages and benefits comprise the substantial share of the city budget. Estimated increased revenues only cover approximately a third of the increased costs.
The city must make it easy for businesses to thrive. This will create employment and increase revenues to the government and it will create the multiplier effect.
Multiplier effect definition:
An effect in economics in which an increase in spending produces an increase in national income and consumption greater than the initial amount spent. For example, if a corporation builds a factory, it will employ construction workers and their suppliers as well as those who work in the factory. Indirectly, the new factory will stimulate employment in laundries, restaurants, and service industries and the housing industry which employs builders, plumbers, carpenters, electricians, etc.
Take taxation: Taxes simply transfer resources from consumers to government displacing private spending and investment. Families whose taxes have increased will have less money to spend on themselves. They are poorer and will consume less. They also save less money, which in turn reduces the resources available for lending.
When a country and its society import more than they export for over a quarter of a century, it is bound to erode the economy to its primate state.
We have only ourselves to blame, what goods and products are we exporting, what goods and services are produced in the USA, the answer is very little by comparison.
In the past 50 years as our population has increased, technology advanced, we have become a nation that consumes enormous amounts of resources, we shop for competitive prices. Corporate America is constantly looking to increase the bottom line.
Most of the goods for and by Americans and its companies are produced overseas and in the past decade with the advancement of telecommunications, many of the services sector are also imported.
The increased costs of energy over the past 10 years, has affected the economy to unimaginable comprehension.
This economic activity has eroded our economy to its core. It seems that the situation is getting worse every year. American debts are increasing beyond our wildest dreams, endangering the future economic vitality of our future generation.
I hope it is not too late for our society to recognize the graveness of our economic predicament and its resolve to take appropriate action to stem the tide of our economic downturn.
Americans are a nation of great technology and knowhow. We must utilize that technology and our resources to find new means to regain our economic independence.
We must face and implement fiscal responsibility, both by the government and the population with its infrastructure of corporate America.
It is no longer an option, it is a must if we as a nation want to survive and retain our way of life and economic vitality.
Inflation, recession and financial crises are here. Let us take the bull by the horn, initiate immediate actions to minimize and hopefully reverse our economic crises.
Los Angeles City Neighborhood Councilman and mayoral candidate YJ Draiman further stated that city officials and labor must put their differences aside and sit at a table to help solve LA's financial and economic crisis, otherwise it is going to get much worse. For the sake of all Angelenos, I urge you to put your differences aside as Americans who care about our city and our country.
YJ Draiman's vision is to make Los Angeles the world capital of Renewable energy and Energy and water efficiency.
YJ Draiman
The US economy has enormous momentum. Metaphorically speaking, if someone turned off the locomotive that drives the US economy, the economy would go on for miles before anyone would likely notice something was wrong. But something has been wrong for many years. Is there really hope for the future? Maybe. But the terrible truth is that no one really knows. But if there is hope, we're already on the wrong track. And that has to change.

It is voter apathy that prevents people from voting – YJ Draiman

It is voter apathy that prevents people from voting – YJ Draiman
It is known that many people distrusts politicians and the “system”, and many people believe that their vote is worthless in the end. This leads to high levels of “voter apathy”, especially in municipal and state elections.

We need to educate the people that their votes do count, that each vote helps them to exercise their constitutional right in a Democratic country.

I know many voters claim that the elections are controlled by special interests groups and the money people.

I feel very strongly that if the masses of people would rise up and vote, we could overcome the special interests groups and the money people. After all the peoples numbers are much greater than the special interests groups and the money people.

It is a government by the people for the people.

I plead with all voters please exercise your right and vote.

Thank you

YJ Draiman for Mayor of Los Angeles 2013

In educating people the importance of voting
Some people stated that these are some of the reasons people do not vote; at least a dozen reasons for not voting: laziness, apathy, lack of education, disillusionment with the process, feelings of helplessness and a general disdain for the negativity of partisan politics.
After educating the crowd, some came away from the discussion believing those are hurdles that can and should be overcome. “After listening,” many people stated, “it makes us realize voting is really very important.”

How to expedite America's economic recovery – YJ Draiman

How to expedite America's economic recovery – YJ Draiman r1

The U.S. and the city of Los Angeles economy could expedite its economic revival by accelerating its hydrocarbon exploration and development. A national policy to enhance the development of hydrocarbon will turn the U.S. into a net exporter of hydrocarbon products. The U.S. must also build additional refining capacity at strategic locations in the U.S. to alleviate fuel shortages and increase its export of refined fuel and natural gas. Allocating a percentage of the revenues for the further development of renewable energy, energy efficiency and the development of water resources and efficiencies, including rainwater harvesting and grey water utilization etc. will further fuel Americas economic revival.
“Those who control the energy supply control whole continents”.
“Those who control the water sources control life”
Another avenue to boost the U.S. economy would be to initiate a program for Made in America products. This would require certain tax benefits to the manufacturer of products in America. Any unemployed American, who returns to the workforce, reduces the dependency for financial and social support by the government. Thus it turns the worker into a revenue generator for the government, while the employee’s earning are spent on goods and services which boosts the economy further.
The city of Los Angeles must make it easy for businesses to thrive. This will create employment and increase revenues to the government and it will create the multiplier effect.
Multiplier effect definition:
An effect in economics in which an increase in spending produces an increase in national income and consumption greater than the initial amount spent. For example, if a corporation builds a factory, it will employ construction workers and their suppliers as well as those who work in the factory. Indirectly, the new factory will stimulate employment in laundries, restaurants, and service industries and the housing industry which employs builders, plumbers, carpenters, electricians, etc.
Increasing bureaucracy, taxes and fees depresses the economy, reduces business development, which in turn reduces consumer spending and as a result reduces revenues to the government.
YJ Draiman
The U.S Economy affects U.S.’s Global Power
United States economic strength has long underwritten its leading role in world affairs. The buoyant tax revenues generated by economic growth fund its massive military spending, the foundation of its global hard power. America’s economic success is also fundamental to its soft power and the promotion of its free-market values in the international economy.

Out of business moved to China – YJ Draiman

Out of business moved to China – YJ Draiman
Goods produced in China are inferior to American made goods.
Most goods made in China have to be purchased 3 to 4 times to last as long as American goods. So, you think you are saving money by buying Chinese made goods, the answer is no.
As a consumer you should insist on products made in the USA, it is better quality, it retains and creates jobs in the U.S. while keeping the economy going and produces revenues for the government which enables them to provide services to its population.
Producing goods and services in the U.S. is Creating and Sustaining Successful Growth.
Many foreigners make millions exporting products from China to the USA. An American businessman was trying to export products from the USA to China.
He found it impossible. And this is why our country the USA is failing. It is because we allow this unfairness. Many Americans are tired of paying for the infrastructure so the Chinese can sell their wares virtually tax free in the USA and Americans are paying for the roads and everything else to make that possible.
The Great Society is a place where every child can find knowledge to enrich his mind and to enlarge his talents. It is a place where the city of man serves not only the needs of the body and the demands of commerce but the desire for beauty and the hunger for community. It is a place where men are more concerned with the quality of their goals than the quantity of their goods.”
“Those who control the energy supply control whole continents”.
YJ Draiman

How to expedite America's economic recovery – YJ Draiman r1

The U.S. and the city of Los Angeles economy could expedite its economic revival by accelerating its hydrocarbon exploration and development. A national policy to enhance the development of hydrocarbon will turn the U.S. into a net exporter of hydrocarbon products. The U.S. must also build additional refining capacity at strategic locations in the U.S. to alleviate fuel shortages and increase its export of refined fuel and natural gas. Allocating a percentage of the revenues for the further development of renewable energy, energy efficiency and the development of water resources and efficiencies, including rainwater harvesting and grey water utilization etc. will further fuel Americas economic revival.
“Those who control the energy supply control whole continents”.
“Those who control the water sources control life”
Another avenue to boost the U.S. economy would be to initiate a program for Made in America products. This would require certain tax benefits to the manufacturer of products in America. Any unemployed American, who returns to the workforce, reduces the dependency for financial and social support by the government. Thus it turns the worker into a revenue generator for the government, while the employee’s earning are spent on goods and services which boosts the economy further.
The city of Los Angeles must make it easy for businesses to thrive. This will create employment and increase revenues to the government and it will create the multiplier effect.
Multiplier effect definition:
An effect in economics in which an increase in spending produces an increase in national income and consumption greater than the initial amount spent. For example, if a corporation builds a factory, it will employ construction workers and their suppliers as well as those who work in the factory. Indirectly, the new factory will stimulate employment in laundries, restaurants, and service industries and the housing industry which employs builders, plumbers, carpenters, electricians, etc.
Increasing bureaucracy, taxes and fees depresses the economy, reduces business development, which in turn reduces consumer spending and as a result reduces revenues to the government.
YJ Draiman
The U.S Economy affects U.S.’s Global Power
United States economic strength has long underwritten its leading role in world affairs. The buoyant tax revenues generated by economic growth fund its massive military spending, the foundation of its global hard power. America’s economic success is also fundamental to its soft power and the promotion of its free-market values in the international economy.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen my name is YJ Draiman and I am a candidate for Mayor of Los Angeles.
I am not a politician. My experience has been in Real estate development, energy conservation - sustainability and utility efficiency.
Tonight’s forum should not be about politics or who is a better politician. This forum should be about the many critical issues confronting the good people of Los Angeles, and how to resolve those issues.
I believe in Democracy, and in a government by the people, FOR the people. The present administration DOES NOT serve the best interest of the people of Los Angeles.  I am running for Mayor because now is the time for change; now is the time to stop letting career politicians use the city of Los Angeles as a stepping-stone to further their careers. It is time to restore honesty, integrity, accountability and transparency in government. It is time to put our differences aside, and put an end to special interests which only serve the few. It is time for city hall to serve the best interests of the people of this once great city.
Today’s economic crisis is of utmost concern for all Americans. In these hard economic times, we must unify as a cohesive force to address the need for more jobs, better housing, a healthcare system which works for all; and most importantly, to stop the deterioration of the educational system which is depriving our children of the necessary tools for their, and our future.
Education will rebuild Los Angeles economic sustainability!
I have three words to say to you. EDUCATION... EDUCATION... EDUCATION... You want to get ahead in life, you must have education. You want to compete in today’s economy you must have education. You want to provide for you family you must have education.
Education, vocational/trade schools and energy efficiency will be the spearhead to our economic recovery and economic sustainability.
Education will lead to economic progress, bring about innovation and technology, trade schools will help people earn a living, Energy efficiency and Renewable energy will create jobs, save money and resources and make LA energy independent. We all know no society can survive without water and energy. Water & energy conservation used effectively will save the city of LA billions of dollars every year.
Those saved dollars will be used to build and enhance LA’s economic vitality. My profession & expertise for the past 20 years has been in implementing Energy & utility efficiency.
As mayor one of my goals is to utilize my expertise and implement Energy & utility efficiency for the city of LA, while rebuilding our educational system. I will set-up an independent citizen oversight committee on government with members replaced every 2 years.
LA Politicians Stop playing politics
You are dealing with the life and soul and the economic vitality of the city of Los Angeles.
If you are not passionate about your goals to bring back the City of LA to economic prosperity you do not belong in city government. We must be willing to put 110% plus effort to bring about a reversal in LA’ economic fortune. We must bring back confidence in its leadership. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Practice what you say.
This is no time for grandstanding or empty promises, this is a time to stand up and be counted as one of those who are willing to make personal sacrifices for the city of LA. We have serious issues, we need serious people.
All LA City services and resources including education must be distributed equally throughout the city without preferential treatment to any neighborhood.
When Elected as Mayor. It is my intent to rejuvenate the City of Los Angeles as a center of innovation and productivity, a city where we are rebuilding the manufacturing infrastructure. I plan on implementing Energy & utility efficiency. We can produce goods and services at competitive prices and better quality. We must make Los Angeles business friendly, reduce taxes, cut expenses, reduce bureaucracy, streamline regulations, inform all city departments that a new mandate is taking place and that is, it is the city department’s job to cooperate and promote new businesses and help retain existing businesses. All city Workers must increase productivity and efficiency.
Each new business generates employment and revenues, which reduces the burden on the people of Los Angeles.
It will take the full cooperation of the people, businesses, unions and government to achieve this tremendous task.
"Let us take back our city and make it Los Angeles governed by the people for the people"
So let us take off the suits and ties, roll-up our sleeves and get to work.
Thank you, for giving me the opportunity to share my vision of Los Angeles with you.
YJ Draiman for Mayor of Los Angeles 2013
YJ Draiman’s vision is to make Los Angeles the World Capital of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency.
The next Mayoral candidate to address the audience at Holman Mayoral Forum on March 6, 2012, was YJ Draiman. Curiously, prior to last night, he’d received little publicity in the Los Angeles media. But based on his Presentation and the emails I’ve received from him, Draiman campaign for Mayor should be taken seriously.
He’s an elected member of the Northridge East Neighborhood Council. He’s now working on a Doctorate in Energy Conservation and, as he told the audience last night, he thinks Los Angeles must become exceptionally business friendly – that it must rejuvenate manufacturing, and that to do all this, the City must make full use of its natural resources, (an idea he promises to explain at a later time, elaborating on his vision to make Los Angeles the World Capital for Renewable Energy, Energy efficiency & Water conservation in LA).
YJ Draiman’s vision for Los Angeles is to make LA the World Capital for Renewable Energy, Energy efficiency & Water conservation.
YJ Draiman’s vision for Los Angeles is to make LA the World Capital of Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency & Water Conservation

Los Angeles Economic Development – YJ Draiman
It is time to remake Los Angeles in the image of our boldest vision – a city of healthy communities with good schools and quality education, innovative companies in new and emerging sectors, quality open space, improved public transportation, a range of mobility and housing options; and above all, a prosperous and productive middle class equipped with the skills and education to create a better future.
It is time to get serious about designing a real economic development program linked to investments in healthy communities. I recently proposed to make Los Angeles the World Capital of Renewable Energy, Energy and Water Efficiency. We have the climate, the manpower, the resources and technology. We must promote energy and water efficiency in all sectors of LA’s economy. This by itself can save the city billions and bring many jobs and economic growth into Los Angeles. We should promote real estate gentrification, affordable housing, urban infill building, economic development and clean tech sorted through the parts of redevelopment worth retaining and retooling combined with some newer elements of economic development necessary to realize this vision of healthy communities. 
In the past five years many businesses in LA have closed down or moved out.  There are many vacant properties (commercial and residential).  Many people have moved out of LA. They can not afford the cost of living, the high taxation, the stifling bureaucracy and varied rules and regulations that choke business development.
We have a dysfunctional leadership in Los Angeles, an inefficient workforce, a demand for entitlement, and crippling budget deficits that are creating an environment of uncertainty for many companies who want to hire people, but are afraid to do so. Capital is stagnant and unattainable, frozen by an over swing of regulation and bureaucracy. We want to get Los Angeles working again, yet many of our wounds are self inflicted, as LA bureaucrats go to work every day piling more regulations and taxes onto the very businesses we ask to grow and create more jobs. This situation must change, or we are doomed.
It is imperative that we reverse this trend.
A free America... means just this: individual freedom for all, rich or poor, or else this system of government we call democracy is only an expedient to enslave man to the machine and make him like it.
YJ Draiman
Paid for by Draiman for Los Angeles

Current elected officials are not qualified to be the next Mayor of LA!
Who is qualified to be the next mayor of Los Angeles 2013?
The current elected officials at LA City Hall who are running, do not qualify to be the Mayor of LA. Their past poor performance and their contribution to the current state of affairs are reprehensible. They do not deserve to be elected again for any position in LA City Hall and especially to the position of Mayor of LA.
I hope and trust that the people of LA are not as gullible as the current elected officials presume.
It is time for the voters of LA to elect a person who cares about the people of this great city of Los Angeles, a city with a population of about 4 million people and 281 square miles. The current elected officials at city hall have abused their position; they have failed the people of Los Angeles.
The current elected officials at LA city hall should get a verbal lynching for their performance. The City of Los Angeles is in its worst condition in this century. The cause of this despicable condition is the product of the current administration.
It is time to elect officials who truly care about the people and the city of LA. Officials who exercise their elected position for the good of the people of LA, not what is in it for them?
When we support current elected officials in their quest to become the Mayor of Los Angeles, we consent to their poor performance and induce them to continue to destroy our city.
We must change the status quo of business as usual; the current administration has abused its position and trust. Otherwise we as the people of LA will pay a heavy price for such negligence.
This is the message we should be sending to people who seek public office. A candidate must have honesty and integrity as a primary character trait and above all the public’s trust.
YJ Draiman
A question to the people of Los Angeles
Do you have confidence in your current elected officials in Los Angeles City Hall?
Are they doing a good job?
No, why?
Yes, why?
Who is qualified to be the mayor of Los Angeles 2013?
Where there is discord, the mayor will bring harmony. Where there is error, the mayor will bring truth. Where there is doubt, the mayor will bring faith. And where there is despair, the mayor will bring hope. The mayor will unite the city and promote economic prosperity successfully. A person who can do these things is the one qualified to be the mayor of Los Angeles in 2013.

Is the year 2013 Los Angeles Voters must kick the bums out of City Hall
2013 is the year Los Angeles Voters can change City Hall and kick the bums out of LA City Council, with a Mayoral election and eight of fifteen seats up for re-election. That could be an opportunity to field a slate in opposition against the incumbents and to band together behind a big issue, like land use reform. Land use is how the city can accommodate growth and even boost the economy. Fiscal responsibility, Education reform, Public transportation expansion and reduced bureaucracy, we need credible new candidates with a strong backbone to stand up to the current administration and bring about the change to improve conditions in the City of Los Angeles.
I fill confident, that if people want change they'd just vote for it.
After all this is supposed to be “Government by the people for the people”. Let us exercise our right as citizens and vote the bums out.
What we need is a Statesman – Not a Politician
YJ Draiman
A Statesman or Politician, What is The Difference?
A politician is only focused on reelection.
A politician is willing to sacrifice his principals if it will help them get reelected. This leads to the waters of their character becoming muddied. When a person’s character becomes tarnished it takes a lot harder to clean it than it is to clean tarnished silver, and even if you do clean it, it will st...ill have lost some of its luster.
Politicians want their name in lights.
Politicians want fame and recognition, and will do almost anything to get it. To quote a great mentor of mine “there are those people who want to be somebody, and then there are those who want to do something.” Politicians are the people who want to be somebody; they want to see their names on TV and on news papers. This also can lead to a tarnished character.
A politician’s vote can be bought.
A politician is in it for the money, they will vote your way for a price. This opens the door for your character to become tarnished.
A statesman is principled.
A statesman always puts his principles first. He does not care about the political implications of a decision he cares about whether or no it is the right thing to do.
A statesman wants to make a difference.
A statesman doesn’t want to see his name in lights, he want the right thing done. He doesn’t care is his name is ever on the front page of the Dallas Morning News.
A statesman is unshakable.
A statesman cannot be bought. He is feared by lobbyist and his opponents alike, but respected by both. He holds fast to his principles and never tarnishes his character.
A Politician or Statesman?
What this country needs are not more politicians who campaign one way and vote another. What we need are more patriotic, principled, steadfast, prudent, statesmen.
YJ Draiman

His name is YJ Draiman, and he wants to be your next Mayor.                 He’s agreed to let me use his campaign material to introduce him to the readers of this column. He’s aware this is not an endorsement—that other candidates may ask for the same courtesy. He’s OK with that.
   The son of European immigrants, YJ Draiman was born in 1949. He was reared in Brooklyn, New York. After graduating from High School, he studied Engineering in New York City. In 1971, he got married and went to work as a Mechanical Engineer in the printing industry.
    In 1975, YJ moved to Chicago where he initially worked as an Administrator in a Healthcare facility. But for most of his adult life, YJ has been a businessman. He rehabilitated apartment buildings, he owned a Real Estate Office, he partnered in a Natural Gas Exploration venture and operated a chain of electronic stores. And in 1984, he started marketing Deregulated natural gas, natural gas futures hedging and Efficiency in Energy, Water, Telecom and Utility Services. He’s been active in this business ever since. He’s been recognized by the Illinois State Commerce Commission as a Utilities Expert.
   In 2005, YJ came to Los Angeles. He resides in Northridge and has lived there ever since. As a resident of Northridge, he developed an interest in the Northridge East Neighborhood Council (NENC). In 2010 he was elected as a Member of the Council’s Board of Directors. Today, he’s the Secretary and he serves on both the Executive and Finance Committees. Moreover, YJ also represents the NENC on the Northridge Vision Organization. In 2010 YJ was a candidate for Councilman in District 12th.  YJ is currently working on his PHD in Energy conservation.
   YJ Draiman wants to be your Mayor! He feels his successful business experience has given him the skills, abilities and insights needed to balance the interests of the City’s very diverse communities. In the end, YJ believes all Angelinos (himself included) expect City government to be effective and efficient—to provide excellent services at an affordable price.
   To achieve those goals, YJ is committed to an ambitious jobs program: he’ll bring back those businesses that were forced—by the City’s high tax rate—to leave Los Angeles. Moreover, he’ll actively support the creation of new businesses in renewable energy and energy conservation.
   YJ reminds Angelinos, “Don’t forget that our City normally gets more sunlight than any other city in America. That fact must be used to our advantage. We will determine if it’s feasible to call Los Angeles The Solar City.  We will explore the possibility of turning the whole City into  “The World Capital of Renewable Energy’. That would attract billions of investment dollars to Los Angeles. It would facilitate the start-up of many small, energy-related businesses. It would create jobs and generate tax revenues.”
   But Los Angeles has several problems that demand immediate attention. YJ agrees that the City’s civil service system does not appear to be well-managed. One thing is clear: The people of Los Angeles should not be expected to sit and watch while their leaders spend 60 percent of the City budget to support an under-utilized workforce. And asking budgetary departments to manage themselves—without effective accountability—doesn’t serve the public interest.
   Recently, questions have been raised about the City’s tax collection procedure. It’s speculated that the City regularly fails to collect all the taxes it’s owed. Cynics ask if there’s a connection between City Hall’s annual budget gap and the chronic failure to collect all the taxes owed. YJ doesn’t share that cynicism, but he does think an independent audit may be useful.
   YJ is a family man. He and his wife, Miriam, have two adult sons, David 39 a lead singer for Disturbed and Benjamin, 36 a psychologist. He’s at a point in his life where he feels he can give something back to the country that has treated his family so well. He’d welcome comments/question from those who read this column, and can be reached by phone at:     (818) 366-6999, or with an e-mail r11

Are LA voters angry enough to change the current administration at Los Angeles City Hall???
LA voters in the March 2011 Elections voted for incumbents - People do not care, why???
Why do we think LA city election on March 5, 2013 will be any different???
I would think with the poor performance and dismal track record by the current administration, the voters would demand to change the current administration at LA City Hall.
4 of the current LA Mayoral candidates are mostly recycled LA City Council members who have proven themselves unworthy by their repeated failure to solve the City’s problems and Council staff members who have demonstrated their loyalty and obedience to their pockets, like well-trained dogs.
The performance of the current administrations borders on criminal neglect.
In order to move forward, we must educate the voters, let them know that the current administration goals are business as usual, there will be no significant changes and the city will be heading into bankruptcy.  The escalating costs of pensions and benefits will drain most of the city budget as we head into 2020. The increased taxes and fees on residents and businesses will push people and businesses to leave the city. This again will reduce revenues to the city.
The city must initiate an austerity program. Cut salaries and benefits across the board, increase efficiency and performance. The Police Department should utilize civil service employees for clerical work, not Police Officers. The city must tighten its belt and reduce taxes and fees, streamline bureaucracy. Promote the health of existing businesses and actively go after new businesses.  Any city employee who is not performing his job to standards should be put on suspension without pay or benefits and if such action has not improved the workers performance, the worker/employee should be terminated.  The city must utilize its most expensive resource, its employees more efficiently, promote a good work environment and reward exceptional performance.  People must realize that if they do not do their job, they will have no job and no means of support. The city must streamline management and reduce management costs. A high administrative cost is not prudent and not sustainable. LA’s employee costs are one of the highest in the country.  We need a change in attitude, and that starts at the top. As they say in good leadership, “follow me”.
The main question is, why LA voters don't care, why they are resigned to accept failure and diminishing LA city services.
Can we not find a leader who will motivate City Hall and initiate hard choices to bring the city to financial health?
City elections should be held on the first Tuesday of November with all the other elections to Federal, County & State.
It will reduce costs and increase voter turnout.
The peoples brigade for honest government
YJ Draiman
“The choice we face in Los Angeles and as a nation is simple: Do we want the clean energy and conservation technologies of tomorrow to be invented in America by American innovators, made by American workers and sold around the world, or do we want to concede those jobs to our competitors?”  Asks Energy Specialist YJ Draiman. “We can and must compete for those jobs.”  In Los Angeles, we have the technology, the climate, the resources and the manpower. Let us proceed with conviction.

YJ Draiman
Paid for by Draiman for Los Angeles

The Current elected officials are not qualified to be the next Mayor of Los Angeles! rev

A good argument against current administration officials running for mayor is that Wendy Greuel who has been in the city council since 2012 and is "all of a sudden" finding problems as controller and as a now mayoral candidate that she didn't seem to notice as a council member for over 9 years. That Eric Garcetti has been "at the helm of city council for over a decade of decline and deterioration." That Jan Perry is much like the others she has been in office since 2001. That Austin Beutner can't possibly escape blame after having run 13 city departments, with the position of First Deputy Mayor and Chief Executive for Economic and Business Policy, as well as General Manager of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power 1994-1996. None of them have objected or put up an argument while in office against the policies that have brought Los Angeles to the verge of bankruptcy and total economic disaster, the worst in 8 decades.

And that LA’s outgoing Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa makes a strong argument for letting a complete outsider give it a go. An outsider has no allegiance to the political machine.  Los Angeles must start with a clean slate at City Hall. From the current list of candidates, I can see only two outsiders that are qualified; YJ Draiman & Kevin James.

We have an opportunity to elect and put in Los Angeles City Hall a new Mayor and 8 out of the 15 Councilmen that are up for election. This could change the face of the administration drastically and bring about a change of operation, where sound decisions and transparency will be the new mandate for LA City Hall.

The mayor of the city of Los Angeles must be a leader like no other leader, he must be an exceptional administrator and trustworthy. He must have top notch advisers to advice him in bringing LA to economic health. A city of Los Angeles with about 4 million people and spans an area of 465 square miles that has an economic engine that by far surpasses many countries; it is an enormous responsibility and must be managed properly.

If LA keeps taxing its people to death there will be nobody left in the city to collect taxes from. Many people and businesses are leaving the city in droves.
Americas financial sustainability begins with Made in America

Americans must wake up and take action to protect our liberty and way of life.

America must rejuvenate itself and become the huge industrial power it once was.

It starts by re-inventing the wheel and building manufacturing facilities in the United States that employ Americans who produce quality goods at a competitive price with space age technology and modernization.

Organized workforce and benefits has to be revamped to meet today's economic conditions.

Government and its bureaucracy must be reduced and streamlined. Rules and regulations must be revamped to be conducive to business growth and development.
This is a must in order to increase employment and bring back America’s economic vitality.

We could try to give tax incentives for products made in America. It brings revenues and employment, reduces financial drain on the government.

"It is cheaper to save energy than make energy"
YJ Draiman
Paid for by Draiman for Los Angeles

Accountability in Governance - Yj Draiman

Accountability ensures actions and decisions taken by public officials are subject to oversight so as to guarantee that government initiatives meet their stated objectives and respond to the needs ... of the community they are meant to be benefiting, thereby contributing to better governance and poverty reduction.

Accountability is one of the cornerstones of good governance; however, it can be
difficult for scholars and practitioners alike to navigate the myriad of different types of
accountability. Recently, there has been a growing discussion within both the academic and development communities about the different accountability typologies.
This Note outlines the present debate focusing on the definition and substance of
different forms of accountability and considers the key role that legislatures play
in ensuring accountability.

What is Accountability?The notion of accountability is an amorphous concept that is difficult to define in precise terms. However, broadly speaking, a relationship where an individual or body, and the performance of tasks or functions by that individual or body, are subject to another’s oversight, direction or request that they provide information or justification for their actions.
Therefore, the concept of accountability involves two distinct stages:
accountability exists when there is answerability and the obligation of the government, its agencies and public officials to provide information about their decisions and actions and to justify them to the public and those institutions of accountability tasked with providing oversight. Enforcement suggests that the public or the institution responsible for accountability can sanction the offending party or remedy the contravening behavior. As such, different institutions of accountability might be responsible for either or both of these stages.

Why is Accountability Important to Governance?Evaluating the ongoing effectiveness of public officials or public bodies ensures that they are performing to their full potential, providing value for money in the provision of public services, instilling confidence in the government and being responsive to the
community they are meant to be serving.

What types of Accountability?The concept of accountability can be classified according to the type of accountability exercised and/ or the person, group or institution the public official answers to. The present debate as to the content of different forms of accountability is best conceptualized by reference to opposing forms of accountability. As such the main forms of accountability are described below in reference to their opposing, or alternate, concept.
YJ Draiman

To the people of Los Angeles - YJ Draiman

It is my understanding that based on constitution; People "shall have the right to resist any person or persons seeking to abolish their constitutional rights, should no other remedy be possible".
All the governments' authority emanates from the people. The people are not satisfied with the rather poor performance of our government. It is time to elect a new slate of candidates, whose main concern are the people.
A nation's corruptive and corrosive power could only exist by the nation's apathy. Therefore as people of a democratic country, we must rise above this apathy and vote for the right people in public office. We should vote for people who care about the everyday working class, who want what is best for the people.
My main interest is not making money, but building an organization. I am an efficiency expert and a troubleshooter. My goal is to bring Los Angeles back to economic prosperity.
Instinct is no guide to political conduct. Effective leadership is always forced - whatever its motives - to represent itself as a carrier of ideas embodying purposes. All truly great achievements in history resulted from the actualization of principals, not from the clever evaluation of political condition. A good and effective leader must care about the people and address their needs.
For a man to be elected as mayor of Los Angeles, he must have a strong will and the guts to prevail. To become mayor of the people you have to overcome the handicap of the political machine and special interests groups. You must motivate the people to vote for you in order for them to survive in these hard economic times.
If you want to see a transformation of attitudes towards the people of Los Angeles, with the goal to improve economic conditions and a strong and effective government, I urge you to vote for me.
Your humble servant
YJ Draiman
For Mayor of Los Angeles 2013

Draiman’s vision for Los Angeles
World class renewable energy innovation enterprise zone revealed for Los Angeles – Proposed by YJ Draiman – rev.3

World class renewable energy innovation enterprise zone revealed for Los Angeles – Proposed by YJ Draiman – rev.2

YJ Draiman welcomes an innovative renewable energy zone approach which will create 200,000+ new jobs over the next 5-10 years.

An ambitious project that will transform the way universities, business and industry collaborate, and establish Los Angeles as a world leader in the research, development and design of next generation renewable energy technology, was announced today, January 2, 2011. Spearheaded by the Draiman economic development agency, Draiman Enterprise, and National Technology Renewable Energy Zone, will be established in the city of Los Angeles with the Universities of Southern California Technology Innovation Development at its heart.

A large parcel of land will be allocated to set up the renewable energy enterprise zone site, which will be within the boundaries of Los Angeles. There will be an academic center which will be transformed into a center of excellence for academic research, commercialization and industry collaboration.

The renewable energy zone initiative, which would span further than the confines of the City of Los Angeles and include Southern California, is expected to create 200,000 + new jobs over the next 5-10 years and give a boost to the Los Angeles economy through further industry academia collaboration and inward investment.

Draiman enterprise Chief Executive YJ Draiman said: “This new vision of the Renewable energy Technology Innovation Center will be the cornerstone of Los Angeles Technology and Renewable Energy Zone. YJ Draiman’s vision for The Renewable energy Zone is to provide a breeding ground for ambitious companies to harness cutting-edge research, access the best people and develop the products which will shape the renewable energy industry of tomorrow.

“Southern California has already claimed a place on the renewables map attracting energy heavyweights and pioneers in the solar and wind sector and we believe that by establishing this zone we will help reinforce Los Angeles position as a location of choice for the rapidly expanding renewables industry.”
YJ Draiman said: “The Universities in the Los Angeles area’s Technology and Innovation Center is a transformational project for Los Angeles, building on California’s great tradition of innovating new technologies and developments in fields; including energy and engineering while creating and supporting hundreds of jobs. Through this collaboration, the aim is to quadruple the scale of research program investment in Los Angeles in areas key to economic growth by up to $10 billion + in five to ten years. “And now, as an integral part of Los Angeles Enterprise’s new Technology and Renewable Energy Zone, which aims to establish Los Angeles as a premier location for inward investment into world-leading technology and renewables research and development, we have the potential to deliver huge economic and social benefits, not only in Los Angeles but nationally and beyond.”

YJ Draiman said: “The Technology and Innovation for renewable energy zone will help transform Los Angeles and Southern California. By capitalizing on our leading, industry-relevant research, the renewable energy zone will attract billions of dollars of inward investment to the city of Los Angeles, drive global businesses, create jobs, and support the development of our highly-qualified graduates and postgraduates. “As a leading technological hub of Universities, they are committed to sharing knowledge to address challenges that affect every area of society, including energy, health, manufacturing and economics. The renewable energy zone will forge new levels of collaboration between researchers, the public and private sectors to accelerate the pace of research and development and deliver benefit to companies, the economy and Southern California.” The collaborative approach with the Universities, Los Angeles Enterprise and existing pioneering renewable energy leaders means that companies locating in the zone will have access to government support and some of the world’s best industry and academia in the fields of technology, engineering and energy. The project represents a supportive government and business environment where companies locating in and around the zone may be eligible for additional support for job creation, innovation and staff development, delivered through various California Enterprise Innovations.
YJ Draiman wants to make Los Angeles the World Capital of Renewable Energy and Water & Energy efficiency.
When the need arises we will establish facilities within the existing Zone that offer temporary accommodation for prospective tenants until construction of the research center is complete or, if required, a purpose-built industry engagement building is created within the Zone.
Renewable energy Zone is designed to draw on Southern California’s existing competitive advantage by providing the right business environment for the renewables industry to continue to grow and further develop. Recent announcements from industry leaders have reinforced Southern California’s position as a world leading city in solar, wind research and development. A leader in energy innovation with unrivalled human and natural resources in renewable energy, Southern California is building on its rich history of oil and gas exploration and developing an infrastructure to cement its position as a world class location for international companies looking to invest in renewable energy and Energy efficiency.

YJ Draiman for Mayor of Los Angeles 2013