Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Candidate questions: What are the Attainable goals?

Candidate questions:  What are the Attainable goals?

What qualifies you as a candidate for city council? – Please elaborate

Why should we vote for you?

How do you propose to make a change to the current business as usual methods?

How do you propose to abolish the activities of entitlement by officials?

Do you think that money can & should buy you a seat in the government?

How can you prevent in being tainted and cajoled in working with the current administration without compromising your honesty and integrity?

What do you plan to do for CD12 and how do you plan to implement it? – specify

Do you have proposed staff members for your office that are experienced and capable in carrying out and implementing the needs of the community?

How do you propose to address the zoning ordinance to our community and how do you intend to control development?

Are you going to help vote and implement a more active role for the Neighborhood council in City Hall? and if yes, specify what actions you propose.

How do you propose to balance the city budget and implement fiscal responsibility? – Accountability - specify how.

Food, Housing and Jobs are crucial to our community – how are you going to address these issues? Describe in detail – especially, how do you propose to retain our current jobs and create an environment that attracts additional businesses to our community? – specify in detail your plan of action and how you plan to achieve those goals?

How do you propose to reduce government personnel and reduce spending, cut waste and redundancy and improve efficiency?

How do you plan to handle the pension crises and its budgetary load on our revenues?

How are you planning on addressing the exorbitant costs by the unions & private contractors?

Do you think you can help bring Green industry and businesses to CD12?

How do you plan to use CD12 assets? such as CSUN to promote our community and utilize assets to bring more businesses to CD12?

How do you plan to address our crumbling school system and improve education?

How do you propose to expand public transportation which is vital to our economy?

How do you plan to streamline rules and regulations and reduce bureaucracy?

There is voter apathy! How do you plan to build the public trust in government?
Implement Honesty, Integrity and transparency.

What do you think in paying base salary and commissions to our elected and appointed officials based on performance?

What is important to the community?

NC’s is the eyes and ears of the community – a true public service – heart and soul of the community.

Core services, Essential services, New vision

Graffiti. Security. Safety

Addressing Pensions, Unions, Immigration, Entitlement o No sanctuary city.

Candidate Questionnaire

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