Sunday, May 8, 2011

Accountability Model or Making Commitments


Accountability Model or Making Commitments

I would like to address two areas that are often considered taboo. Accountability and commitment. The project progresses through the 5 levels of planning it also moves through progressively higher levels of accountability; Nice Idea, Best Effort and Commitment.
Making Commitments
The Accountability Model above is meant to illustrate how each level of planning helps the team one in on an actual commitment. Since the teams accept that requirements will change, the most detailed design estimates are held off until just before implementation. So, project stakeholders can expect The Release Plan to be more accurate than The Road Map and the Iteration Plan to be more accurate than the Release Plan.

With higher levels of accuracy come higher levels of accountability while lower levels of accuracy call for lower levels of accountability. Let's take a look at the levels of accountability:
  • Nice Idea
    The Vision and the Project Road Map serve as guidelines for prioritizing during the more detailed planning that takes place closer to the Iteration. As new requirements and unforeseen changes expose themselves The Vision and The Road Map WILL change. Management should shy away from holding anyone accountable for changes that occur in the Nice Idea level. Rather, they should embrace the change as necessary or find ways to mitigate the change.
  • Best EffortThe Release Plan is a best effort estimate based on yesterday's weather. Iterations are time boxed and most teams track velocity. This allows a project manager to produce an iteration schedule. The Release Plan, while more accurate than the Road Map, is less accurate at the front-end than at the back-end. For this reason, managers should consider using a confidence range chart or some other measurement of accuracy. Tracking a project's rate of change can also help mitigate risk. Managers should encourage change in the early iterations of a release but changes should stay within the scope of the current vision and roadmap. If you see either the vision or the roadmap changing you should consider wrapping up the release and starting a new release plan.
  • Commitment
    Iterations are short and easily estimated. Teams with a well established velocity and a long history with the current project will be able to make the most reliable estimates. These teams should be able to fully commit to an Iteration of work.
Who's Accountable?
Accountability is a hard subject to address in this field. A person can "be" accountable, "be held" accountable or account for someone else. In general, developers are accountable to the user, the team and themselves. Holding a team accountable for the completion of a project is usually a huge morale killer and often does more harm than good. Holding someone (coach, scrum master, etc) accountable on behalf of the team will most likely fail as well.

So who is accountable? How is accountability expressed on an agile project? On agile projects, developers hold themselves accountable. They hold themselves accountable to the team, the users, their pair partner, themselves, etc. For Agile teams to be successful a culture of accountability must be nurtured but not forced.

Nurturing Accountability
Nurturing a culture of accountability is easier said than done, but it can be done. The usual tools of evaluations, reviews and threats have no place on a self organizing team. You can apply incentives, a sense of accomplishment, team ownership and a little peer pressure.

A good incentive suggested by Scrum is a burn down chart. On some teams the build server plays music or turns a light green when a build passes all tests. Involving the "Whole Team" in the planning and design is a surefire way of building team ownership. This leads to buy-in and allows developers feel a real sense of accomplishment. Also, large information radiators are a good way to keep the team focus.

Final Thoughts
so, what I am suggesting is that teams should want to commit to an estimate. Teams who have "bought-in" to a project are more likely to hold themselves accountable

5 Levels of Planning

I just read an interesting article that breaks down the Agile planning process into 5 levels:
(This is slightly modified)
1.    The Vision
2.    The Roadmap
3.    The Next Release
4.    The Next Iteration
5.    The Next Day
Essentially, each agile planning session occurs in one of these levels. With each level dependent on its predecessor. Ideally, you need a vision before you have a road map, road map before you plan the next get the idea.

This really made sense to me. For years now I've used a somewhat complicated model to describe what it is we do. This model, oddly enough, can be easily distilled into this 5 level process.

In the table below I have identified each level of planning with WHAT being the expected artifact and the WHO generally describing the participants:

The Vision
A Vision Statement
The Roadmap
Roadmap (duh)
The Next Release
Release Plan/Stories/
The Next Iteration
Iteration Plan
The Next Day
Engineering Tasks

In the first level, The Vision, your goal is to provide a vision statement. Each shop will decide its own requirement but I general recommend a condensed vision statement that can be easily hung on the wall as an "Information Radiator" (Remember...big visible charts). The Vision should be agreed upon by all stakeholders (chickens) and written without concern for technology. It should also convey some sense of purpose, since it is intended to drive the development process.

Once you have a Vision your team of chickens is ready to start working on The Roadmap. The Roadmap should also be brief enough to work well as a Big Visible Chart. Ideally your developers will keep the roadmap hung up in the shop. As items on the Roadmap are completed they can be checked off. The Roadmap will list, in order of importance, the vision for future releases. I recommend a bulleted list with each release defined by no more than 2 or 3 sentences (1 is better). As with the vision the roadmap should have a sense of purpose and as each item on the roadmap is completed you'll likely want to revisit the vision (it may have changed).

With your Roadmap written you'll want to start planning your Next Release. Planning a release is no simple task. You'll want the input of all your chickens and pigs. I'd recommend, first, relooking/revamping the vision for the next release; something may have changed. During release planning the chickens should be presenting stories to the pigs. These stories fall into 3 categories; enhancements, new features, bugs. Chickens should only consider enhancements and new features that fit into the vision for this release. Any stories considered a bug may be considered, regardless of the vision. Beware what you call a bug....just because you "don't like the way something works", does not make it a bug.

During Release Planning you should play the planning game. Chickens write a story, pigs estimate, chickens rewrite.... The final result should be a set of estimated stories with user values and generally well described acceptance tests. This may take several days. Pigs should feel free to throw back any story that can't be estimated. Chickens should make sure to stay within the vision for this release (or revise it).

Once you've hammered out your Release Plan, you're ready to begin working on the Next Iteration. Your original estimates of a story should not change unless the story is changed. Tracking progress should be done via your velocity (that is outside the scope of this article). At the beginning of each Iteration you will select a set of stories to complete. This should be a sort of "do or die trying" commitment on the part of the Pigs. If you've tracked your velocity properly then making a commitment should be easy. Put story cards somewhere visible or use a large chart to track progress. No story should be started without an acceptance test and no story is complete until the test passes.

As each iteration progresses you'll constantly be planning The Next Day's work. Each day engineers/developers should pair up and select a story to work on. Pigs will sometimes hold design sessions with CRCs or write engineering tasks to remind themselves what needs to be done next. A coach should be available to cheer them on as the stories slowly disappear and the new builds start to appear. Always make big visible charts and information radiators to track progress of tests, builds and stories.

As you get into a rhythm your team should start to move through these stages naturally. For many companies distractions are a way of life. Try your hardest to insulate developers from these distractions and you'll see your vision realized much faster. If distractions are unavoidable they just realize that your velocity will suffer. As long as distractions are common your velocity should adequately adjust for them.